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AHC Receives Award at Hi Innovation Week

05 Sep 2022

From August 3 to August 5, American Hygienics Corporation(AHC) participated in the 2022 Hi Innovation Week. Hi Innovation Week is an innovation carnival held preceding the 2022 Children Baby Maternity Expo (CBME), with a view to helping industry decision-makers to understand future trends and promote the innovation and development of the whole baby and maternity industry.


During the 3-day event, AHC showcased its much applauded products including pure water baby wipes, plant-based baby wipes, moist toilet tissues and baby diapers, and was granted the 2022 HI INNOVATION Awards.

Consumption upgrades with increasing focus on life quality in China have changed young parents' consumption preferences. Today, the new generation of post-80s' and 90s' moms and dads are more likely to choose premium, eco-friendly and individualized products than ever. 

AHC manufactures the ultra soft and ultra mild formulation based baby wipes by using a combination of premium quality ultra-soft grade nonwovens with nourishing, moisturizing and sustainable ingredients. The company's 99% pure water baby wipes were one of the Golden Star Award and Sustainable Product Award winners at the Private Label Fair Asia and have been a premium choice for many parents over the years.

AHC's plant-based baby wipes can be made using 100% biodegradable plant-based fibers as well as natural fibers like bamboo and cotton fibers. Bamboo is the first choice when it comes to eco-friendly biodegradable wipes as it is nature's finest biodegradable ingredient. 

AHC also manufactures world's only 100% bamboo-core baby diapers which are up to 88% biodegradable by weight, with the patented technology of producing "A real bamboo diaper using crushed bamboo pulp in its absorbent layer". This makes its core completely Tree Free & green. The bamboo pulp comes from certified Organic & FSC certified farms, reinforcing the green practice in the entire supply chain. 



Company: AHC

Address: No.189,Haizhen Road,Dushangang Town,Pinghu City,Jiaxing City,Zhejiang Province,China
Zip: 314200

Email: sales@amhygienics.com

Phone: +86-0573-85858389

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